Wanderlust: America’s Heartland


Every couple of months or so, I hop on a plane and make the 5-hour journey out west back to California. I’ve been flying cross-country for several years now, to the point that the whole process has become something of a ritual. Packing usually happens the day of the flight. Emptying out my pockets, undoing my belt, and removing my laptop from my backpack as I head through security are all perfunctory. Upon boarding the plane, I make my way to my seat, store my backpack, shut the window shades, slip on my headphones, and fall asleep or watch some movies. Several hours later, I arrive at LAX and am on my way.

So, this past weekend, when I made that trip yet again, I expected the journey to be like any other. But it wasn’t. Throughout the flight, I couldn’t help but peer out of my window, looking at the never-ending landscape below. The endless forests of the East gradually giving way to endless flat farmland of the Midwest, then abruptly ending with the Rockies, then hundreds of miles of desert before touching down in Southern California. This whole region, Middle America, or what’s sometimes referred to derogatorily as flyover country, was never on my radar of places where I’d consider visiting. As someone born and raised on an island, I couldn’t imagine living more than a couple of hours away from the Ocean.

However, after reading Joel Kotkin’s book, The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050, I’m intrigued by what life could be like to live in America’s Heartland. Kotkin argues that although there have been growing concerns that America is in decline, he believes America will maintain its role as the world’s preeminent nation, in part, due to the nation’s abundance of land and natural resources. As coastal cities become increasingly unaffordable, Kotkin argues many Americans, both immigrants and citizens, will opt to move to America’s interior. While I have no intention of giving up my bi-coastal lifestyle, I do think it’s kind of ridiculous that, despite living abroad, I’ve never visited nor spent a single night anywhere in America beyond the Coasts. This needs to change. Hope I can make it out there someday.

Project Tech Update #1


It’s been six weeks since I introduced Project Tech, and it’s time for an update! I had three goals last time:

  1. Complete the HTML, CSS, and JS lessons on Code Academy
  2. Complete Zed Shaw’s “Learn Python the Hard Way” Course
  3. Get started on building something

Here’s how I stacked up:

  1. Complete! I finished all the HTML, CSS, and JS lessons on Code Academy, two weeks before my self-imposed goal deadline by the end of July.
  2. Incomplete. LPTHW is a self-paced course comprised of 52-lessons. I’ve completed 18/52.
  3. Incomplete. I’ve considered some ideas, but ideas are meaningless until they’ve been executed on.


  • The more specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely (SMART) your goals are, the more likely they’ll be completed. Completing CA was certainly doable within the time allotted, but not for LPTHW. It’s far easier to slack off if the goals are less specific.
  • It’s better to try than to not try at all. I began this summer cultivating a habit of waking up an hour earlier than usual to work on Project Tech. After about six weeks, my habits lapsed. An additional hour of sleep won the battle. Rather than giving up though, I’ve continued plugging away whenever I can – usually on the weekends.
  • It’s easier to publicize ambitions than on what was actually accomplished. I’ve never really liked publicizing my endeavors, mostly because I disliked the pressure that comes from public accountability. Succeeding publicly is great, but failing publicly isn’t. However, through StartingBloc, I’m slowly warming up to the power of public accountability.

Goals for Next Month:

  • Finish up LPTHW by 9/30.
  • Submit an entry on Kaggle by 9/15.
  • Create a one-page brief of my idea by 8/31.
  • Complete each Machine Learning course assignment before the weekly Monday deadline.

Closing Thoughts:

The problem with having so many interests is that, at least for me, it’s difficult to prioritize. I recently signed up for Stanford’s 10-week Machine Learning course, and am trying to get started on submitting an entry for some competitions on Kaggle. Both of these activities are related to my interests in technology, but they’re taking away time from completing my Project Tech goals. I’ve always believed it’s a bad idea to bite off more than you can chew, but isn’t this how we learn what our limits are? I’d like to get your thoughts. How do you prioritize what you do, when there are so many interesting things to work on?

Lessons from StartingBloc


What happens when you take 100 young professionals with a passion for social innovation, place them in a room for 8 hours each day for 5 days, and end each night at nearby bars? 

Magic happens. 

At least that’s what I took away after attending StartingBloc’s New York 2012 Institute for Social Innovation. StartingBloc is a people incubator that provides social innovators the skills, tools, and community they need to succeed in addressing the most pressing global challenges. I had heard a lot about StartingBloc from friends and colleagues, so I felt comfortable knowing what I was getting myself into. While I found the lectures helpful, what I’ll remember most were the aspects of the institute that I did not expect. For me, they were:

Being Incredibly Vulnerable
What truly makes the StartingBloc experience unique, in my opinion, is its ability to quickly create an environment of openness and vulnerability. On the first day, candidates find themselves sharing with others (i.e., strangers still at this point) their hopes and dreams. By day two, they’re pitching the projects they find personally soul-moving to a crowd of more than 100. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Throughout the whole experience, I kept thinking back to Brené Brown’s Ted Talk on the Power of Vulnerability. The following quote from the talk really captures the role vulnerability played, at least for me, during the Institute:

“Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Confronting My  Public Speaking Anxiety
I’ve always hated public speaking. Since moving to the East Coast, public speaking and presenting (whether through phone or in-person) has increasingly been a big weakness. During the conference, I purposefully forced myself to take center stage: the first time to share my idea on Reducing Hopelessness, the second for my team’s pitch during the social innovation case competition.  Although I was well aware that my pitch was a little shaky and hinted at my nervousness, I was surprised by how calm I felt when presenting (re: doing improv) for the case competition. Doing improv really showed me that public speaking comes in different forms. Perhaps this might be a new way for me to reframe and tackle my struggles with public speaking.

The Power of the Network
One of the more eye-opening exercises we did during the institute was to group together and discuss our needs and wants. I went into the exercise thinking I’d be unable to help much.  As a newbie in the world of social innovation and entrepreneurship, I thought to myself, “How could I possibly have access to resources of interest to others?” Wrong. I discovered that I actually had a lot to offer. The exercise taught me an unexpected lesson: don’t underestimate what you know and who you know — just share!

Closing Thoughts
I still can’t believe that my Institute experience is already offer. It was without a doubt one of the most exhausting experiences I’ve ever had in my life. Learning and sharing with a community of like-minded individuals was absolutely amazing. Speaking with everyone and hearing about their passions really infused me with newfound motivation to continue working on the things that I’m most passionate about: technology, foreign policy and mental health. Time to start (or rather, continue) getting work done!


Quiet Leadership


Can introverts be successful leaders?

That’s one question that, in my opinion, Susan Cain seeks to answer in her incredibly fascinating book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.

As an introvert, this question really resonated with me. I’ve always had an interest in business and politics – it’s a huge reason why I moved 5000 miles in order to be closer to the action. But after working in Corporate America for over a year, I’ve often questioned whether I’m cut out for the field.

The Extrovert Ideal

Cain begins by discussing modern society’s love affair with the Extrovert:

It’s the belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha, and comfortable in the spotlight. Introverts living under the Extrovert Ideal are like women in a man’s world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are. Introversion – along with its cousin’s sensitivity, seriousness, and shyness – are now a second-class personality, somewhere between a disappointment and pathology.

Talkative people are rated as smarter, better looking, and more desirable as friends. Velocity of speech counts as well as volume: we rank fast talkers as more competent and likable than slow ones. The same dynamics apply in groups, where research shows that the voluble are considered smarter than the reticent.

In the world of business and politics, it’s not surprising that there exists a perception, fueled in large part by the media, that leaders are those with aggressive, brash and have a larger-than-life personality; i.e., Jack Welch or Donald Trump. You don’t hear about, at least in my opinion, leaders with opposing qualities: laid-back, reticent and understated.

The Power of Quiet Leadership

To my surprise, Cain’s book rattles off countless studies that debunk the myth of charismatic leadership. Three examples that I found noteworthy to research further were the following:

Preston Ni, a Communications Studies Professor, calls “soft power” as leadership “by water rather than by fire…Aggressive power beats you up; soft power wins you over. If the cause is just and you put heart into it, it’s almost a universal law: you will attract people who want to share your cause. Soft power is quiet persistence – in their day-to-day, person-to-person interactions.”

In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins found that “the greatest companies were led by Level 5 Leaders describes by their employees as: quiet, humble, modest, reserved, shy, gracious, mild-mannered, self-effacing, understated. We don’t need giant personalities to transform companies. We need leaders who build not their own egos but the institutions they run.”

Adam Grant, a Management Professor at Wharton, found that “extroverted leaders enhance group performance when employees are passive; introverted leaders are more effective with proactive employees. Extroverts can be so intent on putting their own stamp that they risk losing others’ good ideas and allowing workers to lapse into passivity. Introverts – because of their inclination to listen to others and lack of interest in dominating social situations – are more likely to hear and implement suggestions.”

So Is It Possible?

Cain writes, “If there is only one insight you take away from this book, I hope it’s a newfound sense of entitlement to be yourself.” As an introverted aspiring entrepreneur and businessman living in an extroverted world, I can say with conviction that – yes – Cain has accomplished her goals. After reading her book, I do think it’s possible to rise above the chaos and noise to become a successful leader, even in business and politics, as an introvert.